The Futures North Conference aimed to "Look beyond the Big Society”, bringing together some of the key people and the ideas that offer practical solutions enabling communities to tackle today’s problems, and create a greener, fairer and more sustainable future."
We took part in an inspirational workshop by Make It Happen Consultancy, who are leaders in social change and aim to challenge and change the traditional business model to one where social and ethical values are embedded in the way that business is conducted. They talked about how to create impact, growth and value using 4 key elements from their business model, including profit, ethics, people and impact.
The event was a great way to meet with other co-ops, discuss our role as a design studio and show how our services can benefit the needs of clients from all backgrounds. Sourcing 'ethical' design can be difficult and although not perfect, we are committed to providing a service that challenges the norms of the design industry and aims to achieve more for society as a whole.
Student Details:
On a sunny Sunday afternoon in late May at the University of Salford's Maxwell Hall, one hundred members of the public made history by sitting the first ever GCSE level examination in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History, Culture and Politics.
'I took part in Exam, it was a unique experience for me. As a gay man, I came out at school aged 14. School became impossible and I hardly attended barr the last five exams. ~ Sitting that exam yesterday was an emotional and deeply personal experience that worked on many levels, thank you for the chance for me to participate in this.' Exam Candidate, 24/05/2010.
Commissioned by Queer Up North as part of their 2010 festival, Exam is a result of a four-month community engagement project with LGBT groups and individuals of all ages throughout the North West.
The artist, Joe Richardson hopes that Exam will feed a campaign to see perspectives and histories from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people recognised within all subjects of the National Curriculum.
Photograph by Roshana Rubin-Mayhew.
On Sunday 23rd May 2010 artists from Ultimate Holding Company premiere their new large-scale project 'EXAM' - with 100's of volunteers and months of research into queer political and cultural history.
The piece, blending visual art, education and immersive performance is the brainchild of 27 year old Manchester artist Joseph Richardson. It will premiere for one day only and commemorates 10 years since the repeal of laws banning the teaching of same sex relationships in schools.
Exam has been commissioned as part of this year's Queer Up North Festival, Manchester's international queer festival of live performance and art.
We are staying tight-lipped about the finer details of this intriguing immersive project. To find out more you need to book a free place, come along and take part. The event is open to everyone and will be free to attend, but advance booking is essential for participating candidates as places are limited to 100.
To book email exam@queerupnorth.com or visit the Queer Up North Website.
You may learn and be challenged; be engaged or be changed. One thing is certain - you will be tested…
For more information about EXAM or how you can get involved please visit the website or call Kate Houlton on 0161 238 8523.
Here at Ultimate Holding Company we're always challenging ourselves to explore every angle of ethical print production. Schemes, certifications and processes change rapidly so its important to keep on top. So having put the work in we thought we'd share a selection of some of the commonly used certifications we have come across recently. We'll also be following up this post with with an introductory glossary of some environmental sound print processes too.
EMAS – This stands for the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, an initiative designed to improve companies’ environmental performance. EMAS sets the highest environmental standards of all the environmental management schemes (EMS).
IS0 14001 – This is an internationally recognised scheme. It provides a framework for environmental awareness, monitoring and continual improvement.
Green Dragon – This scheme is for Welsh companies that wish to improve their environmental performance but don’t have the resources for ISO14001. There are five levels, each one contributing towards the achievement of international and European environmental standards
Greenmark – This was developed by the London Environment Centre (LEC), part of London Metropolitan University and is more appropriate for smaller companies who lack the resources for IS0 14001
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Chain of Custody – If a printer holds the FSC Chain of Custody and the paper being used in a project is FSC certified, the end product can be labelled as FSC certified. This certificate is about the fibre tracking process only and ensures that there is no contamination between FSC and non-FSC material. It is not about environmental standards maintained within the factory.
'Carbon neutral' schemes – Please be aware that so-called ‘carbon neutral’ status is not a good indication of environmental performance. There is currently no regulation in this area and so it can simply be bought through offsetting schemes.
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