Opening Thursday, 12th November 2009
In the year in which the world celebrates Charles Darwin’s birthday bicentennial Ultimate Holding Company embarks on a once in a lifetime social experiment.
With the expert assistance of several prominent conservation charities and the artistry of tattooists from Ink Vs Steel, Ultimate Holding Company have created extInked.
A new exhibition of drawings, individually illustrating one hundred of the most endangered species in the British Isles opens next month and reaches its conclusion with the live tattooing of the drawings on one hundred willing volunteers.
The result of this unique exhibition will be an army of ambassadors for threatened and rare birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, plants and fungi.
Preview and Launch
Exhibition opens 7:30pm, Thursday 12th November, 2009 Continues daily (10:00am - 6:00pm) until the 1st of December.
Tattooing commences 7:30pm, Thursday 26th November and continues until Sunday 29th November.
Unit 108, Chapel St. Walks Development, Chapel St., Salford, M3 5DW
Become an Ambassador If you're interested in becoming one of our life-long ambassadors, and being tattooed with an endangered species simply come along to the exhibition from the 12th November.
You must be 18 or over to be considered. Tattoos are free, however a deposit will be required.
A full list of species is available from our extInked project page.
Partner Organisations
extInked is presented In proud association with the Marine Conservation Society, Buglife - the Invertebrate Conservation Trust and the People's Trust for Endangered Species.
You can still donate to help extInked happen. Any profits will go towards our conservation partners.
Join our 700 supporters on Facebook.
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